(#49) Consumer Crypto Apps
consumer crypto apps that I find fun + some interesting icebreakers to ponder
It’s been 4 years since I started working full-time in crypto, and it’s still crazy that most professionals in this industry aren’t spending enough time/energy on chain.
Consumer crypto apps that I find fun/interesting to interact with:
Blogging: Paragraph, t2.world
Music: Sound.xyz
Social: lens.xyz, arena.social
Photography: Click
Payments: Clave
Loyalty: blackbird.xyz
Fitness: moonwalk.fit, cudis
🐦 Tweets
I've Moved Onchain - Over the last thirty years, our lives moved from offline to online. They are now moving on-chain.
What is t2? - t2 helps us regain attention by reading and curating what we value.
Scrubstack: is a button that takes you to random Substack newsletters, exposing the sometimes delightful, sometimes horrific content posted to platforms with little moderation.
How to Say No: Templates on how to say no in any situation.
Some interesting icebreakers to ponder…..
What phone numbers can you recite from memory?
What dream have you never forgotten and why do you think this remains a conscious memory?
Tell me about a person that you met only once, and who is not related to you, that really made an impact on you, and/or was memorable.
“If you could erase from your brain one piece of knowledge (memory, or fact/set of facts) what would it be?”
What are you looking forward to right now?
If you were able to chat with an animal for 5 minutes: which one would it be, and what would you tell or ask?
What random stranger from your life do you think about or (even talk about) regularly?